Principal's Report

Another busy two weeks at Anakie Primary School. Today, Friday 27th October, we celebrate World Teachers' Day. It is a chance to recognise and celebrate the teachers who are making, or have made, an impact in our lives. Whether you're a current student, have children in school, or have been out of school for many years, World Teachers’ Day is a chance to say, ‘thank you’. We thank the teachers at Anakie Primary School, who go above and beyond for our students. The care and time they put into ensuring the needs of our students are met is above and beyond. Thank you!

Congratulations to Zoe Bowkett, who participated at the Regional Athletics Championship last week. Zoe competed in two events, coming first in the dicuss and progressing through to the State Championships, to be held at Lakeside Stadium on Wednesday 1st November. All of Anakie Primary School wishes you well, Zoe.


Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised as Artist of the Month.


Students have been enjoying a new sport this term, teeball. An external coach has been supporting our students with their skills - check out the photos below!


Thank you to our PFA for their support with the Community Day stall - it was a great success, with all our good selling out. Thank you to the families who donated cakes, produce and other items. The support is greatly appreciated.


Our Art Show is locked in for Friday 17th November. Please save the date and let other members of the community know. We will have food trucks, music and lots of fun for all to enjoy.

Events to come in Term 4:

Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

GRADE F/1/2: Savannah Vasils - Congratulations Savannah on demonstrating a growing RESILIENCE within our learning space. By persisting with learning tasks you may at first find challenging you have shown a wonderful growth mindset and been able to achieve greater success. When you continually try to improve your work you also demonstrate aiming for EXCELLENCE by always trying your hardest. Keep up the great work!

GRADE F/1/2: Nate Stewart - Congratulations Nate. You are a model member of our class who shows RESPECT every day. In the classroom you respect your teachers and the learning space by always doing your best to concentrate on the learning activities and engaging in your work with 100% effort. You also show respect to your peers through your kind words and acts. By modelling Respectful behaviour you also inspire kindness in others. Well done Nate.

GRADE 3/4: Darcy Condon - For displaying the character traits of resilience and aiming for excellence, both on and off the hockey field. Congratulations on your achievements in both hockey and school. Keep it up, Darcy!

GRADE 3/4: Hope Bradley - For displaying the character traits of persistence and aiming for excellence, you should be so proud of your efforts, particularly in Reading this year. Well done, Hope!

GRADE 5/6: Aidan Quarrell - Aidan, you have shown remarkable courage and Resilience in the face of some big challenges - and you are not afraid to ask for help when that happens. You deal with each challenge, pick yourself up and do your best to carry on and continue learning. Well done, Aidan.

ART: Alex Giacometti - Well done on showing great persistence when making your collage portrait. It was fantastic to see you ask for help when you were finding it tricky! Well done!

AUSLAN: Max Sparks - You worked so hard to learn your ‘All About Me’ script, showing great persistence and Aiming for Excellence. Well done!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Hunter Grant - For showing amazing persistence during skipping. You kept trying and trying and persisted for the whole lesson! Well done superstar!

PERFORMING ARTS: Ruby Watts - For being enthusiastic and engaged during our music lesson. You Aim for Excellence with your learning and give everything a go. Well done!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Sullivan Heskett - For being a great role model and support to others. Sully, you are so repectful of the feelings of others, ensuring that they are included and providing assistance when required. Keep up the amazing work!

Wellbeing Update

School Values Characters and Behaviour Matrix

We are excited to share with the school community our new characters that represent each of our school values. Each character has the traits listed below and will be used for our positive behaviour framework. We thank the Wellbeing Team for their efforts in organising these creative designs, and to our students for their input. Below the characters, you will see our behaviour expectations matrix that outlines the expected behaviours for each of our school values.

Art Show

Make sure you save the date for Anakie PS Art Show - Friday 17th November at the Anakie Hall. Pizza truck, burgers, ice-cream van and lots more! Mrs Thompson has been working overtime to get the artworks created, auction items perfected, and displays to a Picasso standard. We hope that all our students can come along with their families and friends, as well as extended members of the Anakie community, to enjoy a great afternoon/evening.

Colour Run

This year we will be holding a Crazy Colour Day on Friday 24th November to raise money for our wonderful school. That means we’re going to run around and get messy with colour powder. Who’s excited?

Don't forget to keep fundraising - we are very close to $3000 and there will be another draw at assembly for anyone that has raised over $100.