FOUNDATION: Alfie Ellery - For always displaying a kind and respectful attitude to his peers at school and for always trying his best in Writing when attempting to say the sounds to spell unknown words. Keep up the great work, Alfie!
GRADE 1/2: Zara Kenyon - Well done Zara for showing Resilience in your writing. When you overcome your challenges, you Aim for Excellence and show you are proud of your work. Keep up the great effort!
GRADE 3/4: Darcy Condon - For demonstrating the Anakie school values of Aim for Excellence and Persistence during our fractions unit. You engaged with the learning, tried your best, and showed great curiosity by asking questions when you didn't understand something. Well done, Darcy!
GRADE 5/6: Jacqui Kendall - For your dedication to improving your understanding and achievement in Maths. Jacqui, your end of unit fractions activity results reflected a keen attitude to Aiming for Excellence. You have also been demonstrating Responsibility in supporting your peers and assisting teachers. Well done, Jacqui.
STEPHANIE ALEXANDER KITCHEN GARDEN PROGRAM: Jake Le Sueur - For demonstrating respect and responsibility during our Kitchen Garden classes. You always demonstrate a keenness to learn and always volunteer for any jobs that need to be done. Keep up the great work Jake!!
PERFORMING ARTS: Mathew Quarrell - For participating in Performing Arts with persistence and eagerness. You mastered the piece of music on the resonator bells, playing the notes accurately and with a beautiful tone. Well done!
PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Hunter Grant - For demonstrating Persistence and Aiming for Excellence during your literacy session. It has been so wonderful to see the progress that you have made and the smile on your face when sharing your knowledge. Well done, Hunter!