Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



Dear Families,

So many mixed emotions as I write my final Principal Report for Anakie PS. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as principal, and will never forget the students and families from Anakie. The well wishes I have received emphasise the community that you are all apart of. As you look forward to the future, I will continue to support the next principal to ensure a smooth transition period, and I know that the staff will continue to support our students and their families in all facets of school life. It has been such a privilege to be Principal of Anakie PS - there have been many highlights, but I hope that the teaching and learning programs implemented, the environment across the school, and the inclusive education provided for all will remain for years to come. I look forward to enjoying the last week of school with the students, and to saying farewell. Just to keep families in the loop, the Acting Principal has been advertised for the remainder of this year. The Department of Education will go through the process, with the support of the School Council, to appoint a permanent Principal during Term 4.

Once again it has been a busy fortnight at Anakie Primary School. Ned and Max represented the school at the Division Athletics - well done to both boys on their efforts! They both did a great job in the respective events, with students from all over the Geelong region.

Our Grade 3-6 students enjoyed a day out in Melbourne, which involved catching the train from Lara, trams, lots of walking and exploring the Botanical Gardens. Thank you to all the parents that transported the kids to the station, and to the staff for a long but worthwhile day in the city.

Just a reminder that it is Sports Colours Day on the last day of term and students will also be provided with a hot dog for their lunch.


Our final session of Storytime is taking place on Friday 20th September. It has been so wonderful to see our future students engaging in school life so far this term. We look forward to welcoming our 2025 Foundation students, and any other 3 and 4 year old children from the Anakie community on the dates listed in the flyer below:

Trivia Night

Tonight is the night! Thank you to all that have donated to our school, we can't wait to have an enjoyable night!

Well done to the students who participated in the Kids in Space program. All involved did a wonderful job at representing Anakie PS. We look forward to continuing to use the 3D printer that the school received, and engaging students in different learning opportunities.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Friday 13th September - Trivia Night
Friday 20th September - Sports Colours Day and Hot Dog Lunch
Friday 20th September - End of Term 3 - 2:30pm finish

*** Please note that we have cancelled the Serendip Excursion ***

Term 4
Monday 7th - Friday 11th October - Swimming Program

Many thanks and farewell,

Louise Kahle
