This final newsletter for 2023. I would like to begin by thanking our whole school community for what has been an amazing year. The students have demonstrated so much growth in their learning. There have been many highlights for the year, excursions, incursions, camps, colour run, art show to name a few. We look forward to the final 8 days of school, with so many activities still to come. On Thursday 14th December we look forward to official farewelling our Grade 6 graduates. Just a reminder that we are seeking donations for our major raffle. We would appreciate new and or unused items that can be added to our hamper. Friday 15th at 2:30pm we will be opening up the classrooms for an open afternoon - a chance to share in your child's learning. We ask that each students bring a bag to collect their items from the classroom as the final three days will involve our celebration day excursion, and lots of cleaning up around the classroom and school. On Tuesday 19th December, we have Teeth On Wheels attending our school - if you haven't registered for this there is still time. A big congratulations to our students who presented at North Geelong Secondary College last week. Beau and Ryder did an amazing job sharing their learnings from the program. Also well done to Jaz for her participation.
DATES TO COME - also in the calendar
Friday 8th December - Assembly
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day - all students
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms - 2:30pm & Reports Go Home
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day - please make sure you have consented on Compass
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish - Please note there will be no OSHC available on the final day of school. Students are to be picked up by 1:30pm.
Many thanks,
Louise Kahle