Principal's Report

Welcome to our first newsletter of Term 2. I hope that everyone was able to commemorate a very special day in our history yesterday – ANZAC Day. Thank you to those families who attended our own service on Wednesday afternoon, and also a very big thank you to Daniel Heskett for playing The Last Post and Rouse - it certainly added an extra special element to our service. I encourage us to always honour and remember those who served and continue to serve our country.

On Wednesday Mrs Cavanagh attended the Young Leaders Breakfast at North Geelong Secondary College with Oakley, Quinn, Ned and Ava. The students had a wonderful morning, and enjoyed the guest speaker, Aretha Brown, a yummy breakfast, and getting a chance to meet up with other young leaders from other schools.


Today we have several students representing Anakie Primary School at the next stage of Cross Country. We can't wait to hear how they go and report back in the next newsletter. Last week our Grade 3-6 students ventured to Goldsworthy Reserve to participate in the athletics carnival. There was great encouragement and enthusiasm from all students. Well done to Ned and Max who have progressed through to the next stage. Congratulations to Alex, Keegan, Ollie and Darcy who came 3rd in the 10 boys relay, Ned who came 2nd in the 200m and 3rd in the 100m, and Max who came 2nd in the Triple Jump and 2nd in the long jump. Well done!

The Egg Vault

This morning we welcomed Natalie and Libby from the Lara District Community Bank to officially open our chicken coop - 'The Egg Vault', and the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. As a school, we are so grateful for their continued support. Without their grants, our school would not be the wonderful space it is today. We thank Natalie and Libby for taking the time out to come and officially open the ‘Egg Vault’ today, and also for the wonderful names you have given 5 of our chickens. Photos to come!

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Friday 26th April - Cross Country - selected students
Monday 29th April - School Photos
Monday 13th May - Eggs Hatching
Wed 15th-17th May - Grade 3 Camp
Sunday 26th May - Bunnings BBQ
Friday 31st May - Winter Lightning Prems - more information to come
Friday 7th June - Curriculum Day - OSHC Running
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Holiday - No school
Thursday 20th June - Teeth on Wheels Dentist
Monday 24th June - GSODA Performance - Little Mermaid - Whole School
Friday 28th June - Last day of term 2 - 2:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Lakai Barclay - for always trying your best in writing and for showing great resilience when learning to say the sounds to write the words. Keep up the great work Lakai!

GRADE 1/2: Savannah Vasils - Congratulations Savannah for showing our Anakie School value of aiming for EXCELLENCE in your writing and reading tasks. Every lesson you have shown great enthusiasm in starting straight away and getting your work done to the best of your ability and you are always proud of your efforts. Keep it up the great work, well done Savannah!

GRADE 3/4: Jesse Quarrell - For the effort that you are putting in with your homework routine, and also applying yourself in spelling and maths lessons. Keep up the great work!

GRADE 5/6: Beau Denny - for your commitment to Aiming for Excellence in Maths. Beau, each lesson you seek out and tackle harder tasks in an effort to extend yourself and your learning. Your dedication and responsibility is wonderful to see. Keep up the great work!

ART: Ryder Bevans - for working hard and staying focused on your silhouette and oil pastel picture. You showed persistence when drawing and cutting out your silhouette. Great job!

AUSLAN: Alfie Ellery - For always showing respect by listening attentively and following instructions. Alfie, you are such a responsible learner and you try so hard to learn our Auslan signs. Keep up the amazing effort!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Ned Bubb - For displaying all the Anakie values while representing our school at the District Athletics. You achieved great results and showed humility. We are proud of you! Well done!

Max Sparks - For displaying all the Anakie values while representing our school at the District Athletics. You achieved great results and showed humility. We are proud of you! Well done !

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Sophie Dollan - for having a great attitude towards your learning, trying your hardest, and demonstrating resilience when things are a bit challenging. Keep up the great work, Sophie!

School Council President Message

Hello everyone and welcome to back to Term 2. My name is Kristy Vasils and I am the new school council president. I have been on the committee for the last several years, first joining because I wanted to make a difference around the school and then staying on as I have enjoyed my time on the committee. I have 3 children at the school in grades 5, 3 and 1 this year and currently have a 3-month-old at home. I am passionate about community and about the school community and I hope to continue this by providing opportunity for everyone to come together and get to know each other at every chance we get.

The school currently provides many opportunities for our children not just educationally and physically but now emotionally. Emotional well being is a big focus now with many get resources at our student’s fingertips including wellbeing staff, counsellors and a psychologist. This is also available to extend to families as well. Currently Candice and Lauren, two members of our Wellbeing Team, are giving a Tuning into Children course, run every second Monday, usually after assembly this term, however will be held at 9:10am this week as assembly has been moved to the afternoon. I have attended this course last week and will be back there again on Monday. This is an enormously great resource whether you are struggling with tweens or younger children or just even want a better understanding of your children. It is confidential and supportive environment so please feel free to come to next Monday’s session.

Don’t forget that PFA is a great way to get involved in the school to make a difference. The PFA are always looking for more members so please reach out if you would like to be involved. We do have the Bunnings BBQ on next month which is just one of the activities the PFA organizes, but it is also our largest contributor so please get involved and help out on this day. I personally have always enjoyed my time there and it is a great way to get to know other parents.

Finally, I would like to say I’m always around and up for a chat if you have any concerns at all please feel free to come up to me or get in contact to pass on any concerns you may have.

Kind regards

Kristy Vasils

School council president

Wellbeing Updates

Tuning in to Kids

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



Welcome to our first newsletter of Term 2. I hope that everyone was able to commemorate a very special day in our history yesterday – ANZAC Day. Thank you to those families who attended our own service on Wednesday afternoon, and also a very big thank you to Daniel Heskett for playing The Last Post and Rouse - it certainly added an extra special element to our service. I encourage us to always honour and remember those who served and continue to serve our country.

On Wednesday Mrs Cavanagh attended the Young Leaders Breakfast at North Geelong Secondary College with Oakley, Quinn, Ned and Ava. The students had a wonderful morning, and enjoyed the guest speaker, Aretha Brown, a yummy breakfast, and getting a chance to meet up with other young leaders from other schools.


Today we have several students representing Anakie Primary School at the next stage of Cross Country. We can't wait to hear how they go and report back in the next newsletter. Last week our Grade 3-6 students ventured to Goldsworthy Reserve to participate in the athletics carnival. There was great encouragement and enthusiasm from all students. Well done to Ned and Max who have progressed through to the next stage. Congratulations to Alex, Keegan, Ollie and Darcy who came 3rd in the 10 boys relay, Ned who came 2nd in the 200m and 3rd in the 100m, and Max who came 2nd in the Triple Jump and 2nd in the long jump. Well done!

The Egg Vault

This morning we welcomed Natalie and Libby from the Lara District Community Bank to officially open our chicken coop - 'The Egg Vault', and the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. As a school, we are so grateful for their continued support. Without their grants, our school would not be the wonderful space it is today. We thank Natalie and Libby for taking the time out to come and officially open the ‘Egg Vault’ today, and also for the wonderful names you have given 5 of our chickens. Photos to come!

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Friday 26th April - Cross Country - selected students
Monday 29th April - School Photos
Monday 13th May - Eggs Hatching
Wed 15th-17th May - Grade 3 Camp
Sunday 26th May - Bunnings BBQ
Friday 31st May - Winter Lightning Prems - more information to come
Friday 7th June - Curriculum Day - OSHC Running
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Holiday - No school
Thursday 20th June - Teeth on Wheels Dentist
Monday 24th June - GSODA Performance - Little Mermaid - Whole School
Friday 28th June - Last day of term 2 - 2:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle
