Principal's Report

Once again, there has been so many great learning adventures taking place at Anakie PS. Our Grade 5/6 students enjoyed their visit to North Geelong Secondary College last week. The students engaged in activities relating to secondary school life, cooking up some pikelets and enjoying a tour of the school. Our Grade 3 and 5 students have been participating in NAPLAN this week. I would like to commend all students on the way that they have approached these assessments. Please don't forget that we have fresh eggs available each day from the front office - $3 for 1/2 dozen. We also have Easter Eggs available for purchase for $5 each from the front office, and finally - hot cross bun orders are due back Monday 25th March.


Parking and traffic always seems to be a concern around pick up and drop off time. We really appreciate parents doing the right thing by only travelling 40km in the school zone - it is often that we have trucks flying through during the restricted times. I am in constant communication with several stakeholders on how we can better manage the traffic situation at Anakie. The latest email from Ella George MP related to a variable message sign (happy/sad face) when cars are travelling the correct speed limit. The City of Greater Geelong Council have informed Ella that while they currently have no confirmed funding for this program, they are actively exploring various opportunities to secure support this initiative.

We also ask that families take car when parking in front of the Community House. The new garden on the nature strip was planted late last year, and we want to ensure that it has the best chance of flourishing - please avoid walking over this space, particularly at pick-up time. Your cooperation with this is greatly appreciated.

Cross Country

On Thursday March 21st all students will participate in Cross Country.

- Students will arrive at school in the morning as usual.

- Students should wear a t-shirt in their house colour, with their school shorts/skort and runners and bring a drink bottle.

- After the roles have been marked students will walk up to Anakie Reserve in class groups.

- Parents are welcome to meet us at the oval to support the event.

- The first race will be at 9:30 (9/10 year old race – 2km), followed by F/1/2 race (1 lap of the oval), 11 year old race (3km) and finishing with the 12/13 year old race (3km). Ribbons will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th girl and boy in each event.

- House points will be allocated as follows: 1st – 20 points, 2nd - 15 points, 3rd – 10 points and 5 points for everyone who finishes their race and the winning house will be announced at the next assembly.

- At the conclusion of their race students will be provided with an icy pole and will walk back to school in time for recess.

Curriculum Day

Last Wednesday, the teaching staff and some education support staff attended a professional development session on Responsive Teaching and Formative Assessment. We looked at ways we can support students moving new information from the short term to long term memory, encourage participation from all, respond immediately to the needs of students when explicit teaching is taking place, and techniques to support on the spot assessments. It was a great day had by all, and we look forward to continuing to work with Bron Ryrie Jones throughout the rest of the year.

Community Day

On Sunday 24th March we look forward to the Anakie House Community Day. Our school will have our own stall, plates were sent home this week for families to provide items to sell. On Compass, a Google Doc was sent out for families to pop down a time to volunteer their time for one hour on the day. Many hands make light work and we really appreciate the support of our parent volunteers.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th March - NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5 students)
Monday 18th March - Assembly 9:10am
Monday 18th March - School Council AGM - 6pm - all welcome, followed by our school council meeting.
Thursday 21st March - School Cross Country at the Anakie Reserve - see information above
Friday 22nd March - Harmony Day - students to wear a touch of orange
Sunday 24th March - Anakie House Community Day
Tuesday 26th March - Wear Purple for Epilepsy Day - gold coin donation
Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 1 - 1:30pm finish
Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - School Holiday Program (booking essential)
Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16th April - District Aths

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Indi Brown - For always being a ‘great mate’ when at school and showing care and respect to your classmates. Keep up the great work, Indi!

GRADE 1/2: Maddison Court - Congratulations Maddison. During literacy classes this week you challenged yourself to work independently when identifying nouns and verbs and using new vocabulary words with confidence. By showing the courage to take learning risks you reached new learning goals and demonstrated our school value of Excellence. Keep up the great work!

GRADE 3/4: Luca Ellery - For including others, for encouraging others. For always trying your best and having a growth mindset. Well done, Luca!

GRADE 5/6: Oscar Ellery - for consistently demonstrating unwavering enthusiasm and active engagement in class discussions, particularly in our HaSS Knowledge unit. Oscar, your energy and willingness to contribute help to foster rich conversations and a vibrant learning environment.

ART: Zara Kenyon - For showing such great focus during Art class. You mixed so many paint colours using the Primary colours and used them to re-create Kandinsky’s circles with such great concentration.

AUSLAN: Hope Bradley - For always trying your hardest to learn and remember Auslan signs. You show Resilience when you find things tricky and demonstrate Responsibility by asking for help when needed.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Jaz Grant - For always trying your hardest in PE sessions. You are motivated and enthusiastic during our games and always play fairly. Well done.

KITCHEN GARDEN PROGRAM: Reeve Spalding - For being a responsible and helpful member of the Stephanie Alexander gardening class. You demonstrated initiative by helping your friends during the lesson with all the job that you were asked to complete. Keep up the great work!

Texan Kreig - For being a responsible and helpful member of the Stephanie Alexander gardening class. You demonstrated initiative by helping your friends during the lesson with all the job that you were asked to complete. Keep up the great work!

PERFORMING ARTS: Sullivan Heskett - Well done, Sullivan, you consitently particpate in our Performing Arts lesson with enthusiasm and confidence. You always demonstrate respect and lead by example. Keep up the great effort!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Chloe Bui - Well done, Chloe. You have settled into the school year so well. You are emphathetic to your peers and demsonstrate responsibility and respect at all times. Keep up the great work!

Harmony Day

Make March Purple

The Junior School Council asks you to Make March Purple to support 250,000 Australians and their families impacted by epilepsy. On Tuesday 26th March, JSC encourages the Anakie PS community to wear something purple and to donate a gold coin to support Epilepsy Action Australia. Money raised helps the organsitation to fund epilepsy nurse educators, social and emotional supports, access to specialist providers, education resources and more.

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



Once again, there has been so many great learning adventures taking place at Anakie PS. Our Grade 5/6 students enjoyed their visit to North Geelong Secondary College last week. The students engaged in activities relating to secondary school life, cooking up some pikelets and enjoying a tour of the school. Our Grade 3 and 5 students have been participating in NAPLAN this week. I would like to commend all students on the way that they have approached these assessments. Please don't forget that we have fresh eggs available each day from the front office - $3 for 1/2 dozen. We also have Easter Eggs available for purchase for $5 each from the front office, and finally - hot cross bun orders are due back Monday 25th March.


Parking and traffic always seems to be a concern around pick up and drop off time. We really appreciate parents doing the right thing by only travelling 40km in the school zone - it is often that we have trucks flying through during the restricted times. I am in constant communication with several stakeholders on how we can better manage the traffic situation at Anakie. The latest email from Ella George MP related to a variable message sign (happy/sad face) when cars are travelling the correct speed limit. The City of Greater Geelong Council have informed Ella that while they currently have no confirmed funding for this program, they are actively exploring various opportunities to secure support this initiative.

We also ask that families take car when parking in front of the Community House. The new garden on the nature strip was planted late last year, and we want to ensure that it has the best chance of flourishing - please avoid walking over this space, particularly at pick-up time. Your cooperation with this is greatly appreciated.

Cross Country

On Thursday March 21st all students will participate in Cross Country.

- Students will arrive at school in the morning as usual.

- Students should wear a t-shirt in their house colour, with their school shorts/skort and runners and bring a drink bottle.

- After the roles have been marked students will walk up to Anakie Reserve in class groups.

- Parents are welcome to meet us at the oval to support the event.

- The first race will be at 9:30 (9/10 year old race – 2km), followed by F/1/2 race (1 lap of the oval), 11 year old race (3km) and finishing with the 12/13 year old race (3km). Ribbons will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th girl and boy in each event.

- House points will be allocated as follows: 1st – 20 points, 2nd - 15 points, 3rd – 10 points and 5 points for everyone who finishes their race and the winning house will be announced at the next assembly.

- At the conclusion of their race students will be provided with an icy pole and will walk back to school in time for recess.

Curriculum Day

Last Wednesday, the teaching staff and some education support staff attended a professional development session on Responsive Teaching and Formative Assessment. We looked at ways we can support students moving new information from the short term to long term memory, encourage participation from all, respond immediately to the needs of students when explicit teaching is taking place, and techniques to support on the spot assessments. It was a great day had by all, and we look forward to continuing to work with Bron Ryrie Jones throughout the rest of the year.

Community Day

On Sunday 24th March we look forward to the Anakie House Community Day. Our school will have our own stall, plates were sent home this week for families to provide items to sell. On Compass, a Google Doc was sent out for families to pop down a time to volunteer their time for one hour on the day. Many hands make light work and we really appreciate the support of our parent volunteers.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th March - NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5 students)
Monday 18th March - Assembly 9:10am
Monday 18th March - School Council AGM - 6pm - all welcome, followed by our school council meeting.
Thursday 21st March - School Cross Country at the Anakie Reserve - see information above
Friday 22nd March - Harmony Day - students to wear a touch of orange
Sunday 24th March - Anakie House Community Day
Tuesday 26th March - Wear Purple for Epilepsy Day - gold coin donation
Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 1 - 1:30pm finish
Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - School Holiday Program (booking essential)
Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16th April - District Aths

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle
