Principal's Message

A fortnightly message from the Principal.

Students have well and truly settled into Term 2. We are excited to launch our new website, with up to date content and a one-shop-stop for everything that you need. We hope that families have an explore around the site - and please let us know if you have any feedback. We are currently in the process of adding some more photos and images from events happening across the school. Our school newsletter will now be housed on the website, and we will not need to have events to come, as these are all listed on the Events page:

If you haven't read this week's addition of the Anakie Advocate, enrolments are now open for 2024. Please come past the school office if you would like to pick up an enrolment pack. Also in the AA, we are on the hunt for some materials for some materials for our new friendship garden that is currently being organised. We will be building a mud kitchen out of pallets, so if anyone has any lying around their yard, or can source them we would appreciate it immensely. Also, we are hoping to include some big rocks around our new play space, as well as large tree truck offcuts. Please see the images below and contact the school office if you can help us out!

Cross Country

District Cross Country - Friday 5th May

On Friday 5th May selected students represented Anakie Primary School at the District Cross Country, held at Don Wallace Reserve, Teesdale. Students tried their hardest and represented Anakie demonstrating our school values. Congratulations to all students for trying their best - we have 4 students progressing through to the Division Athletics on Tuesday 23rd May, to be held at Eastern Gardens, Geelong. Well done to Zoe, Lochlyn, Georje and Darcy - we will be cheering you on.

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students for demonstrating our school values over the past fortnight.

GRADE F/1/2: Matildah: Well done Matildah for demonstrating the value of Resilience in the classroom. You always respond with a positive 'can do' attitude to feedback and persevere when faced with challenges. Keep up the good work!

GRADE 3/4: Reeve: Congratulations, Reeve, your hard work and dedication to doing your best in not only your studies at school, but also your interests outside of school, is truly impressive. You are setting a great example for others. Keep up the fantastic work!

GRADE 3/4: Texan Krieg: Congratulations, you should be proud of your commitment to doing your best work both at school and at home, and being a responsible learner. Your hard work and dedication is truly paying off. You are an inspiration to other students. Great effort!

GRADE 5/6: Jacqueline: For displaying Responsibility and Resilience in Maths. Jacqui, during a Time lesson you took responsibility for your own learning by expressing that you were finding it too challenging - and yet you bounced back to try another approach. Great effort, Jacqui!

ART: Nate: For a huge improvement in the way you listen to instructions, stay calm and participate in all tasks! Nate you have been a superstar this term!

PE: Keegan: For your excellent attitude in P.E. Keegan you always demonstrate our school values and set a great example to others.

AUSLAN: Charlize: For always putting in your best effort during Auslan lessons. Charlize you have learnt so many signs and did an amazing job during our Auslan game!

PERFORMING ARTS: Hayden: For your enthusiasm, attentiveness and creativity during Performing Arts and when making your Garage Band track.


Life Education Van

Life Education Incursion - Wednesday 3rd May

Students enjoy the Life Education Incursion on Wednesday 2nd May. Our Foundation/1/2 class participated in Ready, Steady, Go where they identified how our body reacts in new situations, the benefits of physical activity, what our body needs to be healthy including nutrition, water, and sleep, and the different safety strategies in different environments.

Our Grade 3/4 students learnt about bCyber Wise, where they learnt how to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours and how to keep personal information safe online. They also explored demonstrating responsible and respectful behaviour when using communication technology, skills for building positive relationships with friends and explored the role of bystanders.

Our Grade 5/6 students went On the Case. Their learning involved what's in a cigarette or vape, the effects of smoking and vaping, history, laws, myths and facts, and strategies to reduce harm.

We hope the students got a lot out of the session.



Feed Me Geelong
24 Lambert Ave, Newtown

Open: Tuesday to Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm

Feed Me Geelong is a no agenda, no questions asked FREE food service with fresh or frozen pre cooked meals, fresh fruit and veg, pantry staples such as cereals, rice, pasta etc and bread available for delivery or collection. No appointment or booking needed, just walk in!

Principal's Message

A fortnightly message from the Principal.

Students have well and truly settled into Term 2. We are excited to launch our new website, with up to date content and a one-shop-stop for everything that you need. We hope that families have an explore around the site - and please let us know if you have any feedback. We are currently in the process of adding some more photos and images from events happening across the school. Our school newsletter will now be housed on the website, and we will not need to have events to come, as these are all listed on the Events page:

If you haven't read this week's addition of the Anakie Advocate, enrolments are now open for 2024. Please come past the school office if you would like to pick up an enrolment pack. Also in the AA, we are on the hunt for some materials for some materials for our new friendship garden that is currently being organised. We will be building a mud kitchen out of pallets, so if anyone has any lying around their yard, or can source them we would appreciate it immensely. Also, we are hoping to include some big rocks around our new play space, as well as large tree truck offcuts. Please see the images below and contact the school office if you can help us out!
