Principal's Report

What a wonderful start to the term all our students have had at Anakie Primary School. Everyone has come back refreshed and ready to embark on another action packed term of learning and fun. We trust that all families enjoyed the break. A number of students joined in the fun at our holiday program, run by Grace, with the support of Brendan and Chrissy.

This term students will be learning about Social Justice for our HaSS (Humanities & Social Sciences) program. The Grade 2-6 students will be participating in an incursion today (Friday) that will support their understanding of the topic, and strengthen the connection with the curriculum that will be covered in the weeks ahead.

In addition to this incursion, all students took place in both the Sustainability Incursion, and Garden Incursion. Both of these incursions were provided to our students to strengthen their understanding of flora, and ways in which we can make a more sustainable future. Check out the pictures below.

On Tuesday we held our first Storytime session for the year. This will be occuring fortnightly for the remainder of the year, to support our students transition into Foundation in 2024, and to welcome other young members of the community to our school. This week the children read the story Elmer, the patchwork elephant's story. The students then created their own Elmer, using coloured shapes and sticking, to support their fine motor skills. The dates for Storytime for the remainder of this term are listed in the events calendar.

We look forward to welcoming our families along to our Parent/Teacher Interviews on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July. If you haven't already booked in a time, please ensure you do. If you do not require a meeting due to having an SSG late in Term 2 that is completely fine - we look forward to catching up with you at a later date.

Don't forget to check out our events to come at the following link:

Many thanks,

Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

GRADE F/1/2: Hunter Grant - Well done Hunter, for demonstrating Respect and Responsibility during learning time. Your incredible efforts when focusing on the speaker and giving all tasks a go show respect for your learning space and responsibility for your own learning. I hope you are super proud of your efforts. Keep it up!

GRADE 3/4: Keegan Bubb - For demonstrating the Anakie values of Responsibility and Excellence at school. Well done!

GRADE 3/4: Luca Ellery - For consistently demonstrating the Anakie values of Respect and Responsibility, both inside the classroom and out in the yard. Well done!

GRADE 5/6: Jaz Grant - Well done, Jaz, for consistently applying yourself in each lesson. You are a responsible learner and a kind friend to all students in the school yard. Well done!

GRADE 5/6: Zoe Bowkett - Zoe, you are responsible, thoughtful and diligent. You always try your best; ask peers and teachers how you can help, and seek feedback when encountering learning challenges. Your application each lesson, and toward home learning, is to be admired - so much so that I have to remind you to have a rest day! Keep up the great work.

ART: Carrick Holden - Carrick you created a fantastic 2 point perspective city picture. Well done for following instructions carefully, Aiming for Excellence and getting your piece finished on time!

AUSLAN: Hope Bradley - Hope you have tried so hard to learn your Auslan alphabet and you know so many signs. It is great to see your confidence growing each week. Superstar!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Alex Ptacek - For excellent participation in our AFL sessions. Alex it was great to see you sharing your knowledge and helping others so kindly and patiently. What a big improvement!

PERFORMING ARTS: Sullivan Heskett - Well done, Sullivan. Your enthusiasm and creativity during our Dance lesson was great to see. You embraced the activities and demonstrated excellent rhythm and movement. Keep Aiming for Excellence!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Matildah Ptacek - Well done, Matildah, for making a great start to Term 3. You have come back to school with a positive attitude and excellent learning rigour. Keep demonstrating our school value of Aiming for Excellence!

Wellbeing Update

The Wellbeing Team are excited to announce that students will be provided with the opportunity to engage in a range of lunchtime clubs beginning next week (Week 3). The clubs are a student run initiative, with our Grade 5/6 students faciliating the sessions each day - what great leadership the students have shown by volunteering their time with these clubs. We are seeking any donations of lume bands, hama beads, chess sets - please send anything to school that might be collecting dust in a cupboard. The timetable for the clubs is below - we can't wait to see the collaboration between students during these sessions.

This next presentation fromThe Resilience Project is all about Empathy and Kindness.

Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.

Brain imaging data shows that being kind to others registers in the brain as more like eating chocolate than like fulfilling an obligation to do what’s right (e.g., eating brussel sprouts)!
Research shows that practicing empathy, such as performing acts of kindness, taps into our brain’s ‘mirror neurons’, builds compassion and our behaviour becomes more social and community-based.


Here’s an activity to practise empathy and kindness:

  1. Reflect on someone in your life who could benefit from an act of kindness today. It could be a friend who would love some affirmation about their work, your pet who deserves an extra treat, or a family member who would love a phone call or text message.
  2. Make a plan for who you are going to give an act of kindness to, and what you are going to do.
  3. If you want to add accountability to your plan, share it with someone else and encourage them to do the same thing.
  4. Follow up with each other in a few days time, to ask how it went!

Sources:Psychology Today,UC Berkeley, Greater Good Science

For mental health resources and support information, visitThe Resilience Project’s Support Page.

With thanks,

The Wellbeing Team

Friendship Garden

How exciting is it to see our new Friendship Garden up and running. There are still a few components that need completing, including a roof on the cubby house, the pump connection for the water feature, musical instrument (which are currently being constructed), and finalisation of the yarning circle - this is all due to be done in the coming weeks. Students have loved the new space, and we have seen some excellent collaboration and teamwork skills in play. We are just chasing some final aspects for our space - if anyone has a small water tank lying around their property that we could use to connect to the cubby house to allow for running water in the mud kitchen, we would be happy to purchase this off you. We are also in search of some long sticks for students to use during constructive play to build cubby and huts. Please let us know if you have any. Below are some photos of the students having a great time in the new space!

Brick Project

Anakie Primary School is excited to annouce our next major fundraiser. Our Parents & Friends committee, with support of the Junior School Council are seeking donations towards our Brick Project. You can choose one of two different designs for your brick, that will be located at the entrance to the school, where the current uneven brick path is leading to the basketball court. We encourage families and members of the community to get behind our latest fundraising project. You can choose to add a message of encouragement to your brick, such as 'Have a great day', or 'Keep smiling', or just your name, maybe the year you graduated from the school, your familiy name - the possibilities are endless. Please note that proofing will be completed by the PFA/School Council before the finalisation of orders. Please click on this link: Anakie PS Brick Project to view the flyer, and do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



What a wonderful start to the term all our students have had at Anakie Primary School. Everyone has come back refreshed and ready to embark on another action packed term of learning and fun. We trust that all families enjoyed the break. A number of students joined in the fun at our holiday program, run by Grace, with the support of Brendan and Chrissy.

This term students will be learning about Social Justice for our HaSS (Humanities & Social Sciences) program. The Grade 2-6 students will be participating in an incursion today (Friday) that will support their understanding of the topic, and strengthen the connection with the curriculum that will be covered in the weeks ahead.

In addition to this incursion, all students took place in both the Sustainability Incursion, and Garden Incursion. Both of these incursions were provided to our students to strengthen their understanding of flora, and ways in which we can make a more sustainable future. Check out the pictures below.

On Tuesday we held our first Storytime session for the year. This will be occuring fortnightly for the remainder of the year, to support our students transition into Foundation in 2024, and to welcome other young members of the community to our school. This week the children read the story Elmer, the patchwork elephant's story. The students then created their own Elmer, using coloured shapes and sticking, to support their fine motor skills. The dates for Storytime for the remainder of this term are listed in the events calendar.

We look forward to welcoming our families along to our Parent/Teacher Interviews on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July. If you haven't already booked in a time, please ensure you do. If you do not require a meeting due to having an SSG late in Term 2 that is completely fine - we look forward to catching up with you at a later date.

Don't forget to check out our events to come at the following link:

Many thanks,

Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

GRADE F/1/2: Hunter Grant - Well done Hunter, for demonstrating Respect and Responsibility during learning time. Your incredible efforts when focusing on the speaker and giving all tasks a go show respect for your learning space and responsibility for your own learning. I hope you are super proud of your efforts. Keep it up!

GRADE 3/4: Keegan Bubb - For demonstrating the Anakie values of Responsibility and Excellence at school. Well done!

GRADE 3/4: Luca Ellery - For consistently demonstrating the Anakie values of Respect and Responsibility, both inside the classroom and out in the yard. Well done!

GRADE 5/6: Jaz Grant - Well done, Jaz, for consistently applying yourself in each lesson. You are a responsible learner and a kind friend to all students in the school yard. Well done!

GRADE 5/6: Zoe Bowkett - Zoe, you are responsible, thoughtful and diligent. You always try your best; ask peers and teachers how you can help, and seek feedback when encountering learning challenges. Your application each lesson, and toward home learning, is to be admired - so much so that I have to remind you to have a rest day! Keep up the great work.

ART: Carrick Holden - Carrick you created a fantastic 2 point perspective city picture. Well done for following instructions carefully, Aiming for Excellence and getting your piece finished on time!

AUSLAN: Hope Bradley - Hope you have tried so hard to learn your Auslan alphabet and you know so many signs. It is great to see your confidence growing each week. Superstar!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Alex Ptacek - For excellent participation in our AFL sessions. Alex it was great to see you sharing your knowledge and helping others so kindly and patiently. What a big improvement!

PERFORMING ARTS: Sullivan Heskett - Well done, Sullivan. Your enthusiasm and creativity during our Dance lesson was great to see. You embraced the activities and demonstrated excellent rhythm and movement. Keep Aiming for Excellence!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Matildah Ptacek - Well done, Matildah, for making a great start to Term 3. You have come back to school with a positive attitude and excellent learning rigour. Keep demonstrating our school value of Aiming for Excellence!

Wellbeing Update

The Wellbeing Team are excited to announce that students will be provided with the opportunity to engage in a range of lunchtime clubs beginning next week (Week 3). The clubs are a student run initiative, with our Grade 5/6 students faciliating the sessions each day - what great leadership the students have shown by volunteering their time with these clubs. We are seeking any donations of lume bands, hama beads, chess sets - please send anything to school that might be collecting dust in a cupboard. The timetable for the clubs is below - we can't wait to see the collaboration between students during these sessions.

This next presentation fromThe Resilience Project is all about Empathy and Kindness.

Empathy is our ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others to feel and see what they do. We practice this through being kind and compassionate towards other people.

Brain imaging data shows that being kind to others registers in the brain as more like eating chocolate than like fulfilling an obligation to do what’s right (e.g., eating brussel sprouts)!
Research shows that practicing empathy, such as performing acts of kindness, taps into our brain’s ‘mirror neurons’, builds compassion and our behaviour becomes more social and community-based.


Here’s an activity to practise empathy and kindness:

  1. Reflect on someone in your life who could benefit from an act of kindness today. It could be a friend who would love some affirmation about their work, your pet who deserves an extra treat, or a family member who would love a phone call or text message.
  2. Make a plan for who you are going to give an act of kindness to, and what you are going to do.
  3. If you want to add accountability to your plan, share it with someone else and encourage them to do the same thing.
  4. Follow up with each other in a few days time, to ask how it went!

Sources:Psychology Today,UC Berkeley, Greater Good Science

For mental health resources and support information, visitThe Resilience Project’s Support Page.

With thanks,

The Wellbeing Team

Friendship Garden

How exciting is it to see our new Friendship Garden up and running. There are still a few components that need completing, including a roof on the cubby house, the pump connection for the water feature, musical instrument (which are currently being constructed), and finalisation of the yarning circle - this is all due to be done in the coming weeks. Students have loved the new space, and we have seen some excellent collaboration and teamwork skills in play. We are just chasing some final aspects for our space - if anyone has a small water tank lying around their property that we could use to connect to the cubby house to allow for running water in the mud kitchen, we would be happy to purchase this off you. We are also in search of some long sticks for students to use during constructive play to build cubby and huts. Please let us know if you have any. Below are some photos of the students having a great time in the new space!

Brick Project

Anakie Primary School is excited to annouce our next major fundraiser. Our Parents & Friends committee, with support of the Junior School Council are seeking donations towards our Brick Project. You can choose one of two different designs for your brick, that will be located at the entrance to the school, where the current uneven brick path is leading to the basketball court. We encourage families and members of the community to get behind our latest fundraising project. You can choose to add a message of encouragement to your brick, such as 'Have a great day', or 'Keep smiling', or just your name, maybe the year you graduated from the school, your familiy name - the possibilities are endless. Please note that proofing will be completed by the PFA/School Council before the finalisation of orders. Please click on this link: Anakie PS Brick Project to view the flyer, and do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.