Principal's Report

Week 4 done and dusted. The weeks just keep on ticking by, and the students are so settled into their routines and expectations.

Please, if you have not put your name down to help out at the Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 26th May, there is still time. 4 spaces are still available - imagine if each family took 1 hour, it would save people from being there for multiple hours - all money raised goes to supporting all students at Anakie PS. Here is the link to the Google Doc to add your name

The Annual Report to the school community has been completed and is available for viewing at - it covers the outcomes of the previous year. This was presented to School Council last term. Just a note to families that I will be away on Monday and Tuesday. I am attending professional learning in Sydney where I will learn about the most effective processes that teachers and (all adults) can use to build relationships, routines, boundaries and good behaviour that enables all children to flourish, as learners AND human beings. Rooted in both practice and research, exploring these techniques will help Anakie Primary School improve their own practice and build upon the good we already do. I look forward to sharing gained knowledge with the staff at our Curriculum Day on Friday 7th June.

Topics include:

  • The psychology of students
  • Belonging, groups and motivation
  • Routines, habits, norms
  • Consequences and feedback
  • Building real relationships

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, Mrs Cavanagh and our pre-service teacher, Mr Jervies, attended a very special professional development session. Anakie Primary School was successful in their application into the Kids in Space Program. As a school we receive package worth $6,500 including professional development and training, Makers Empire 3D design tools and resources, access to a custom, space-themed Challenge Course delivered via the Makers Empire 3D app, and a 3D printer so students’ 3D designs can be printed out and tested. Starting very soon, we will be engaging in STEM activities related to the project, and we will share any updates with you as they arise.

Tuning into Kids

Just a reminder that Tuning into Kids will be running on Monday straight after assembly.

Upcoming Events

Cross Country

On Tuesday 14th May, Darcy, Alex, Keegan, Ned and Reeve are heading to Eastern Gardens to participate in the Division Cross Country. We wish all these students well, no matter the result we are so proud of you all for advancing to the next stage.

Camp - Good luck to our Grade 3 students who will be heading to camp next week. They have an action packed itinerary - we wish them all the best for their first camp, and we can't wait to share their adventures in the next newsletter.

Gymnastics - it is so wonderful that we have been able to book in a four week gymnastics program for students at YMCA North Geelong (The Arena). We were successful in obtaining a sporting schools grant to subsidise the cost significantly. We ask that parents arrange for consent/payment at their earliest convenience.

Henny Penny Egg Hatching - on Monday our eggs will be arriving at school. The 11-day hatching program will be located in the middle space. We can't wait to see our chicks hatch over the coming weeks.

Mother's Day

This Sunday, we have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day. It's a time to show our appreciation for the amazing mothers and mother figures in our lives. To all the mums, grandmas, stepmoms, and motherly figures, your love and care shape our community in countless ways. Thank you for the support, sacrifices, and nurturing you provide each and every day. Let's take a moment to recognise the important role these special individuals play in our lives, not just on Mother's Day, but every day. Wishing all mothers a beautiful day surrounded by love and appreciation.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Monday 13th May - Eggs Hatching
Tuesday 14th May - Division Cross Country: Eastern Gardens (selected students)
Wed 15th-17th May - Grade 3 Camp
Wednesday 22nd May - Gymnastics
Sunday 26th May - Bunnings BBQ
Wednesday 29th May - Gymnastics
Friday 31st May - Winter Lightning Prems - more information to come
Wednesday 5th June - Gymnastics
Friday 7th June - Curriculum Day - OSHC Running
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Holiday - No school
Wednesday 12th June - Gymnastics
Thursday 20th June - Teeth on Wheels Dentist
Monday 24th June - GSODA Performance - Little Mermaid - Whole School
Friday 28th June - Last day of term 2 - 2:30pm finish

Many thanks,

Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Maximus Loverso - For always displaying care and respect to your peers when at school and for always trying your best and having a go when learning new things. Keep up the great work Max!

GRADE 1/2: Kade Watts - Congratulations Kade on being a role model for Respect in our classroom. You always engage in the learning with an open mind and careful consideration. Meanwhile, you address your peers with kindness and compassion. Congratulations also for Aiming for Excellence last week when applying yourself to master vertical addition and then asking for more homework to consolidate and extend your learning. Keep up the great work Kade!

GRADE 3/4: Sophie Cachia - For displaying Excellence, having a growth mindset and always trying your best. Well done, Sophie!

GRADE 5/6: Willow Grant - For employing strategies to build your Resilience when encountering learning challenges. Willow, you are developing the character strength of Self-Regulation, which is making a positive impact on your learning. Well done!

ART: Finn Mannisto - For showing the school value of Respect. You have demonstrated respect to both teachers and peers by being a great listener, following the rules and displaying great manners. Amazing job!

AUSLAN: Benjamin Wimmer - For showing fantastic teamwork and Aiming For Excellence. You worked hard with a partner to complete your Auslan tasks and stayed calm and focused. Well done!

Hayden Stewart - For showing fantastic teamwork and Aiming For Excellence. You worked hard with a partner to complete your Auslan tasks and stayed calm and focused. Well done!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Sullivan Heskett - For always having a ‘Can Do’ attitude in P.E. It is great to see you having a go at everything and showing a Growth Mindset. Well done!

PERFORMING ARTS: Lochlan Stewart - For demonstrating your musical skills and having the confidence to play in front of the class. You have shown a great understanding of the fundamentals of music. Well done, Lochlan!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Kade Watts - For always trying your hardest in class, making good choices and being an amazing member of our Anakie Primary School community. Keep up the great work, Kade!

Wellbeing Updates

Tuning in to Kids

Events in the Community

Djilang Program

Wellbeing Updates

Tuning in to Kids