Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Alice Jackson - For always being a positive and resilient learner during our daily writing sessions. Keep up the great work, Alice!

GRADE 1/2: Madelyn Patman - Well done Madelyn on regularly showing a growth mindset in our classroom. You engage in your learning with a positive attitude and undertake challenges with enthusiasm. When you or someone around you makes a mistake, you are there to remind everyone that it’s ok because that’s how we learn. When you do this, you model our school value of Resilience. Keep up the great work!

GRADE 3/4: Benjamin Wimmer - For demonstrating kindness towards others at school. It is lovely to see your caring nature towards your classmates. Keep up the great work.

GRADE 5/6: Quinn Heskett - Quinn, you are always respectful and considerate to your peers and teachers. You show care towards younger students in the yard, act as impartial mediator when friends disagree and support classmates who require help with learning tasks. Quinn, your thoughtfulness makes you an outstanding leader at Anakie Primary School.

STEPHANIE ALEXANDER KITCHEN GARDEN PROGRAM: Maximus Loverso - For working hard to complete your Seed Spheres in Kitchen Garden this week. I can't wait to see what your Spheres grow! Great work Max!

VISUAL ARTS: Reeve Spalding - For demonstrating creativity in your guitar design. You came up with a unique idea and took care with your presentation. Awesome work!

AUSLAN: Carrick Holden - For collaborating well with your partner to decode the Auslan Emotions book. You problem solved well and stayed focused. Keep up the great work!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Savannah Vasils - For having a ‘Can Do’ mindset during P.E. and working hard to improve your skills. It’s great to see you always coming to P.E. with an enthusiatic attitude. Keep it up!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: To all the students at Anakie Primary School - you are amazing, polite, considerate and demonstrate our values on a daily basis. I will miss each and every one of you and look forward to visiting and hearing about your adventures and learning for the years to come. Thank you for all that you do for each other!
