FOUNDATION: Indi Brown - For always being a ‘great mate’ when at school and showing care and respect to your classmates. Keep up the great work, Indi!
GRADE 1/2: Maddison Court - Congratulations Maddison. During literacy classes this week you challenged yourself to work independently when identifying nouns and verbs and using new vocabulary words with confidence. By showing the courage to take learning risks you reached new learning goals and demonstrated our school value of Excellence. Keep up the great work!
GRADE 3/4: Luca Ellery - For including others, for encouraging others. For always trying your best and having a growth mindset. Well done, Luca!
GRADE 5/6: Oscar Ellery - for consistently demonstrating unwavering enthusiasm and active engagement in class discussions, particularly in our HaSS Knowledge unit. Oscar, your energy and willingness to contribute help to foster rich conversations and a vibrant learning environment.
ART: Zara Kenyon - For showing such great focus during Art class. You mixed so many paint colours using the Primary colours and used them to re-create Kandinsky’s circles with such great concentration.
AUSLAN: Hope Bradley - For always trying your hardest to learn and remember Auslan signs. You show Resilience when you find things tricky and demonstrate Responsibility by asking for help when needed.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Jaz Grant - For always trying your hardest in PE sessions. You are motivated and enthusiastic during our games and always play fairly. Well done.
KITCHEN GARDEN PROGRAM: Reeve Spalding - For being a responsible and helpful member of the Stephanie Alexander gardening class. You demonstrated initiative by helping your friends during the lesson with all the job that you were asked to complete. Keep up the great work!
Texan Kreig - For being a responsible and helpful member of the Stephanie Alexander gardening class. You demonstrated initiative by helping your friends during the lesson with all the job that you were asked to complete. Keep up the great work!
PERFORMING ARTS: Sullivan Heskett - Well done, Sullivan, you consitently particpate in our Performing Arts lesson with enthusiasm and confidence. You always demonstrate respect and lead by example. Keep up the great effort!
PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Chloe Bui - Well done, Chloe. You have settled into the school year so well. You are emphathetic to your peers and demsonstrate responsibility and respect at all times. Keep up the great work!