GRADE F/1/2: Hunter Grant - Well done Hunter, for demonstrating Respect and Responsibility during learning time. Your incredible efforts when focusing on the speaker and giving all tasks a go show respect for your learning space and responsibility for your own learning. I hope you are super proud of your efforts. Keep it up!
GRADE 3/4: Keegan Bubb - For demonstrating the Anakie values of Responsibility and Excellence at school. Well done!
GRADE 3/4: Luca Ellery - For consistently demonstrating the Anakie values of Respect and Responsibility, both inside the classroom and out in the yard. Well done!
GRADE 5/6: Jaz Grant - Well done, Jaz, for consistently applying yourself in each lesson. You are a responsible learner and a kind friend to all students in the school yard. Well done!
GRADE 5/6: Zoe Bowkett - Zoe, you are responsible, thoughtful and diligent. You always try your best; ask peers and teachers how you can help, and seek feedback when encountering learning challenges. Your application each lesson, and toward home learning, is to be admired - so much so that I have to remind you to have a rest day! Keep up the great work.
ART: Carrick Holden - Carrick you created a fantastic 2 point perspective city picture. Well done for following instructions carefully, Aiming for Excellence and getting your piece finished on time!
AUSLAN: Hope Bradley - Hope you have tried so hard to learn your Auslan alphabet and you know so many signs. It is great to see your confidence growing each week. Superstar!
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Alex Ptacek - For excellent participation in our AFL sessions. Alex it was great to see you sharing your knowledge and helping others so kindly and patiently. What a big improvement!
PERFORMING ARTS: Sullivan Heskett - Well done, Sullivan. Your enthusiasm and creativity during our Dance lesson was great to see. You embraced the activities and demonstrated excellent rhythm and movement. Keep Aiming for Excellence!
PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Matildah Ptacek - Well done, Matildah, for making a great start to Term 3. You have come back to school with a positive attitude and excellent learning rigour. Keep demonstrating our school value of Aiming for Excellence!