GRADE F/1/2: Matildah: Well done Matildah for demonstrating the value of Resilience in the classroom. You always respond with a positive 'can do' attitude to feedback and persevere when faced with challenges. Keep up the good work!
GRADE 3/4: Reeve: Congratulations, Reeve, your hard work and dedication to doing your best in not only your studies at school, but also your interests outside of school, is truly impressive. You are setting a great example for others. Keep up the fantastic work!
GRADE 3/4: Texan Krieg: Congratulations, you should be proud of your commitment to doing your best work both at school and at home, and being a responsible learner. Your hard work and dedication is truly paying off. You are an inspiration to other students. Great effort!
GRADE 5/6: Jacqueline: For displaying Responsibility and Resilience in Maths. Jacqui, during a Time lesson you took responsibility for your own learning by expressing that you were finding it too challenging - and yet you bounced back to try another approach. Great effort, Jacqui!
ART: Nate: For a huge improvement in the way you listen to instructions, stay calm and participate in all tasks! Nate you have been a superstar this term!
PE: Keegan: For your excellent attitude in P.E. Keegan you always demonstrate our school values and set a great example to others.
AUSLAN: Charlize: For always putting in your best effort during Auslan lessons. Charlize you have learnt so many signs and did an amazing job during our Auslan game!
PERFORMING ARTS: Hayden: For your enthusiasm, attentiveness and creativity during Performing Arts and when making your Garage Band track.