Principal's Report

Term One is all done and dusted! Although it was only a shorter nine-week term, we definitely were able to squeeze lots of great learning opportunities in for your students. Highlights included the Community Day, Ecolinc excursion, Quantum Excursion, School Cross Country and our Grade 4 and 5 camps. At our School Cross Country, held at Anakie Reserve, all students put in their best effort. Our Foundation-Grade 2 students completed a lap of the oval, our 9/10 year olds ran 2km, and our 11/12/13 year olds ran 3km. Well done to everyone for trying your best. Check out the photos below!

Next term we have lots of great things happening across the school. Our Grade 3 students will be enjoying their first camp experience. Some students will be progressing to the next stage of the Cross Country, and all students in Grade 3-6 will be participating in the District Athletics in the first week back at Goldsworthy Reserve. We will also be hatching our own chickens as part of our Science/Sustainability Program.

Cross Country

Congratulations to all students for their efforts with the Cross Country that was held last week. Everyone tried their hardest. The next stage is the Division Cross Country, a permission note was sent out on Compass this week for those students involved. All the best to Keegan, Alex, Ned, Chloe, Sophie C, Darcy, Luca, Jaz, Texan, Riley, Reeve, Max, Charlize and Oliver. These students will be heading to Don Wallace Reserve, Teesdale, on Friday 26th April.

Community Day

A very big thank you to our school community for their support with Community Day. It was a great fundraiser for the school, raising in excess of $700 for the PFA. Without the support of our families, these fundraisers would not be possible. A big thank you to all that volunteered their time on the day, baked goods, supplied fresh produce - what a great efforts from those that helped out. During the week a Compass post went out about our other major fundraiser for the year, the Bunnings BBQ. Thank you to those families that have already popped their name down for a session or two. It would be great if everyone could help out for at least one hour across the day.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish
Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - School Holiday Program (bookings essential)
Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16th April - District Aths - Grade 3-6 students
Thursday 25th April - ANZAC Day Holiday - no school
Friday 26th April - Cross Country - selected students
Monday 29th April - School Photos
Monday 13th May - Eggs Hatching
Wed 15th-17th May - Grade 3 Camp
Sunday 26th May - Bunnings BBQ
Friday 31st May - Winter Lightning Prems - more information to come
Friday 7th June - Curriculum Day - OSHC Running
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Holiday - No school
Thursday 20th June - Teeth on Wheels Dentist
Monday 24th June - GSODA Performance - Little Mermaid - Whole School
Friday 28th June - Last day of term 2 - 2:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

FOUNDATION: Ella Cachia - For being a responsible and brave speller during our daily UFLI spelling lessons. Ella always tries her best when attempting to say the sounds to spell unknown words. Keep up the great work Ella!

GRADE 1/2: Danny Hruska - Congratulations Danny for working proactively to support your own learning in the classroom. You are making some great learning choices to stay on task and putting in extra effort to complete learning tasks. You are also asking more questions when you’re unsure which demonstrates our school value of Aiming for Excellence. Keep it up Danny!

GRADE 3/4: Chloe Bui - For working so hard towards your handwriting goals, and your ongoing commitment to practicing your times tables. Keep up the great effort Chlo!

GRADE 5/6: Charlize Vasils - for your commitment to Aiming for Excellence through consistently completing Maths and Reading Nights and diligent note-taking in HaSS Knowledge. Charlize, you also demonstrate respect through your care and consideration for your teachers and peers. Congratulations Char!

Ned Bubb - for your commitment to Aiming for Excellence through utilising effective learning strategies, such as diligent note-taking. Ned, you also demonstrate exemplary leadership, respect and inclusion towards others, including by helping younger students with Environment Group tasks.

ART: Jai Tucker - For working hard towards our Learning Intention of choosing a colour scheme and creating a background. You used the oil pastels responsibly and worked hard to produce a warm and cool coloured artwork. Great job!

AUSLAN: Charlize Vasils - For always showing resepct by listening attentively, following instructions, being kind and considerate and challenging yourself in your learning rather than taking the easy option. Well done!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Ella Cachia - For always demonstrating the School Values in P.E. You listen attentively, show respect to others, always try your hardest, play fairly and always give everything a go - even when it is tricky! Well done !

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Ned Bubb - For demonstrating respect and responsibility. Ned, you demonstrate your leadership skills during mindfulness, and out in the yard, speak respectfully to your peers and offer encouragement. Keep up the great work!

Emergency Planning

Emergency Planning

Connected Parents Webinar

What you can expect.
This Connected Parenting Webinar offers a valuable set of tools for parents and carers aiming to raise children through positive connections and communication. Tips for parents and carers will include;

  • Guiding our children to become resilient adults.
  • Practical strategies to build stronger connections with your children.
  • Ideas to support your children when they are frustrated or going through challenging situations.
  • Simple ways to create co-operation.
  • Dealing with our own triggers as a parent.
  • Understanding big emotions and feelings and assisting your kids in becoming emotionally resilient.

About Lael Stone
Lael Stone is an author, TEDx speaker, counsellor and parenting educator who specialises in navigating trauma and disconnection in families. She has spent the last 17 years working with families, as well as running programs in Secondary schools for teens on relationships and Well-being. She is a mother of three grown up children and the co-founder of Woodline Primary School - a new innovative school focused on supporting emotional intelligence in children.

Accessing the webinar.
Please circulate the following link to your parents and carers to register for the webinar: Registrations are essential!!

Connected Parents Webinar

Lap the Map

Lap the Map

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



Term One is all done and dusted! Although it was only a shorter nine-week term, we definitely were able to squeeze lots of great learning opportunities in for your students. Highlights included the Community Day, Ecolinc excursion, Quantum Excursion, School Cross Country and our Grade 4 and 5 camps. At our School Cross Country, held at Anakie Reserve, all students put in their best effort. Our Foundation-Grade 2 students completed a lap of the oval, our 9/10 year olds ran 2km, and our 11/12/13 year olds ran 3km. Well done to everyone for trying your best. Check out the photos below!

Next term we have lots of great things happening across the school. Our Grade 3 students will be enjoying their first camp experience. Some students will be progressing to the next stage of the Cross Country, and all students in Grade 3-6 will be participating in the District Athletics in the first week back at Goldsworthy Reserve. We will also be hatching our own chickens as part of our Science/Sustainability Program.

Cross Country

Congratulations to all students for their efforts with the Cross Country that was held last week. Everyone tried their hardest. The next stage is the Division Cross Country, a permission note was sent out on Compass this week for those students involved. All the best to Keegan, Alex, Ned, Chloe, Sophie C, Darcy, Luca, Jaz, Texan, Riley, Reeve, Max, Charlize and Oliver. These students will be heading to Don Wallace Reserve, Teesdale, on Friday 26th April.

Community Day

A very big thank you to our school community for their support with Community Day. It was a great fundraiser for the school, raising in excess of $700 for the PFA. Without the support of our families, these fundraisers would not be possible. A big thank you to all that volunteered their time on the day, baked goods, supplied fresh produce - what a great efforts from those that helped out. During the week a Compass post went out about our other major fundraiser for the year, the Bunnings BBQ. Thank you to those families that have already popped their name down for a session or two. It would be great if everyone could help out for at least one hour across the day.

DATES TO COME - also in the calendar

Thursday 28th March - Last day of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish
Monday 8th - Friday 12th April - School Holiday Program (bookings essential)
Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2
Tuesday 16th April - District Aths - Grade 3-6 students
Thursday 25th April - ANZAC Day Holiday - no school
Friday 26th April - Cross Country - selected students
Monday 29th April - School Photos
Monday 13th May - Eggs Hatching
Wed 15th-17th May - Grade 3 Camp
Sunday 26th May - Bunnings BBQ
Friday 31st May - Winter Lightning Prems - more information to come
Friday 7th June - Curriculum Day - OSHC Running
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday Holiday - No school
Thursday 20th June - Teeth on Wheels Dentist
Monday 24th June - GSODA Performance - Little Mermaid - Whole School
Friday 28th June - Last day of term 2 - 2:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle
