Principal's Report

Welcome back to Term 4, and what a busy week we have had at Anakie PS this week. Swimming took place this week, and all students that participated in the intensive program are to be congratulated on their efforts and achievements. There are some tired students heading into the weekend - ready to recharge and back at it for Week 3.

All the best to Zoe Bowkett who travels to the next stage of athletics on Tuesday. We all wish Zoe well for her events and can't wait to hear the outcome. Today (Friday 13th) we have the official opening of the Friendship Garden. It is a chance for us to say thankyou to the supporters of this project, including Bendigo Bank, Chelvon Quarries, Bunnings North Geelong, the Giacometti family, and many others around the Anakie Community. It is a great space for our students to enjoy, engage in creative play, and relax by the water feature. If you have also looked in the school yard, we have 5 new garden beds reading for our new vegetable gardens. Next year, students will be engaging in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, which with provide them with basis cooking and gardening skills, linked closely to many areas of the curriculum. All grades will participate in this program weekly, supported by their classroom teacher.

As we approach the end of the year, we are looking forward to welcoming classroom helpers back into the classrooms in 2024. Keep an eye out for information coming up for a mandatory training session to go through the process if you would like to be involved in this - the training session will also be recorded. Parents can enjoy the opportunity to share in the educational development of students with the support and direction of teachers, by participating in the Classroom Helper program. A current Working With Children's Check is also required, so if you don't have one and think this might interest you, you can apply for one at - it is free to do so!


Thank you to our PFA for their support with the Community Day stall - we hope to see all members of the Anakie Community pop along to visit during the day. Thank you to all families who have supplied baked goods, produce and other items - the support is greatly appreciated!


Our Art Show is locked in for Friday 17th November. Please save the date and let other members of the community know. We will have food trucks, music and lots of fun for all to enjoy.

Events to come in Term 4:

Friday 13th October - Playground Opening at 2:30pm
Saturday 14th October - Anakie Community Day
Tuesday 17th October - Storytime at 11:30am
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October - Book Fair
Wednesday 25th October - Geelong Cup Holiday (No school)
Thursdsay 26th October - Transition Session #1
Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle

Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received an award for demonstrating our values over the past fortnight:

GRADE F/1/2: Zara P - Well done Zara, for modelling the value of RESPECT in our classroom every day. You actively listen and respond to your teachers and peers with kindness and consideration. You have also been aiming for EXCELLENCE in our classroom by giving learning tasks your best efforts and continually thinking, reflecting and seeking to improve your work. Well done!

GRADE 3/4: Alex Bubb - For displaying the character trait of persistence, and showing how strong you are by not giving up when things get tough, and for working hard on your school tasks. Alex, tell Mum and Dad what a consonant is!

GRADE 3/4: Chloe Bui - For displaying the character trait of resilience, and showing how strong you are by not giving up when things get tough, and for working hard on your school tasks. Great job, Chloe!

GRADE 5/6: Aitan Fiorenza - Aitan, you returned to school from a big break away ready to work hard in order to catch up on anything you had missed. You have Aimed for Excellence and shown Resilience as you do so. Congratulations Aitan, this attitude shows that you are definitely ready for Year 7!

ART: Cooper Summers - For making good choices in the Art room and Aiming for Excellence with your Tim Burton portrait. Well done Cooper!

AUSLAN: Mathew Quarrell - Thankyou for completing the drawings of the Auslan signs for our Auslan cards. You did an amazing job!

PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Luca Ellery - For always striving to show all of our school values. You consistently play by the rules, demonstrate great sportsmanship, encourage others and try your hardest. Amazing!!

PRINCIPAL'S AWARD: Zara Kenyon - for demonstrating respect, responsibility and excellence! You have started back for Term 4 with such a great attitude towards your learning - keep up the great work!

Art Show

Make sure you save the date for Anakie PS Art Show - Friday 17th November at the Anakie Hall. Pizza truck, burgers, ice-cream van and lots more! Mrs Thompson has been working overtime to get the artworks created, auction items perfected, and displays to a Picasso standard. We hope that all our students can come along with their families and friends, as well as extended members of the Anakie community, to enjoy a great afternoon/evening.

Colour Run

This year we will be holding a Crazy Colour Day on Friday 24th November to raise money for our wonderful school. That means we’re going to run around and get messy with colour powder. Who’s excited?

Don't forget to keep fundraising - we are very close to $3000 and there will be another draw at assembly for anyone that has raised over $100.

Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



Welcome back to Term 4, and what a busy week we have had at Anakie PS this week. Swimming took place this week, and all students that participated in the intensive program are to be congratulated on their efforts and achievements. There are some tired students heading into the weekend - ready to recharge and back at it for Week 3.

All the best to Zoe Bowkett who travels to the next stage of athletics on Tuesday. We all wish Zoe well for her events and can't wait to hear the outcome. Today (Friday 13th) we have the official opening of the Friendship Garden. It is a chance for us to say thankyou to the supporters of this project, including Bendigo Bank, Chelvon Quarries, Bunnings North Geelong, the Giacometti family, and many others around the Anakie Community. It is a great space for our students to enjoy, engage in creative play, and relax by the water feature. If you have also looked in the school yard, we have 5 new garden beds reading for our new vegetable gardens. Next year, students will be engaging in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, which with provide them with basis cooking and gardening skills, linked closely to many areas of the curriculum. All grades will participate in this program weekly, supported by their classroom teacher.

As we approach the end of the year, we are looking forward to welcoming classroom helpers back into the classrooms in 2024. Keep an eye out for information coming up for a mandatory training session to go through the process if you would like to be involved in this - the training session will also be recorded. Parents can enjoy the opportunity to share in the educational development of students with the support and direction of teachers, by participating in the Classroom Helper program. A current Working With Children's Check is also required, so if you don't have one and think this might interest you, you can apply for one at - it is free to do so!


Thank you to our PFA for their support with the Community Day stall - we hope to see all members of the Anakie Community pop along to visit during the day. Thank you to all families who have supplied baked goods, produce and other items - the support is greatly appreciated!


Our Art Show is locked in for Friday 17th November. Please save the date and let other members of the community know. We will have food trucks, music and lots of fun for all to enjoy.

Events to come in Term 4:

Friday 13th October - Playground Opening at 2:30pm
Saturday 14th October - Anakie Community Day
Tuesday 17th October - Storytime at 11:30am
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October - Book Fair
Wednesday 25th October - Geelong Cup Holiday (No school)
Thursdsay 26th October - Transition Session #1
Monday 13th November - Curriculum Day (OSHC available)
Tuesday 14th November - Transition Session #2
Friday 17th November - ART SHOW!!!
Friday 24th November - Colour Run
Tuesday 12th December - State-wide Transition Day
Thursday 14th December - Celebration Evening
Friday 15th December - Open Classrooms
Monday 18th December - Celebration Day (surprise)
Tuesday 19th December - Teeth on Wheels Dental Van
Wednesday 20th December - Last day of term - 1:30pm finish

Many thanks,
Louise Kahle
