Principal's Report

Louise Kahle



What a wonderful start to the term all our students have had at Anakie Primary School. Everyone has come back refreshed and ready to embark on another action packed term of learning and fun. We trust that all families enjoyed the break. A number of students joined in the fun at our holiday program, run by Grace, with the support of Brendan and Chrissy.

This term students will be learning about Social Justice for our HaSS (Humanities & Social Sciences) program. The Grade 2-6 students will be participating in an incursion today (Friday) that will support their understanding of the topic, and strengthen the connection with the curriculum that will be covered in the weeks ahead.

In addition to this incursion, all students took place in both the Sustainability Incursion, and Garden Incursion. Both of these incursions were provided to our students to strengthen their understanding of flora, and ways in which we can make a more sustainable future. Check out the pictures below.

On Tuesday we held our first Storytime session for the year. This will be occuring fortnightly for the remainder of the year, to support our students transition into Foundation in 2024, and to welcome other young members of the community to our school. This week the children read the story Elmer, the patchwork elephant's story. The students then created their own Elmer, using coloured shapes and sticking, to support their fine motor skills. The dates for Storytime for the remainder of this term are listed in the events calendar.

We look forward to welcoming our families along to our Parent/Teacher Interviews on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th July. If you haven't already booked in a time, please ensure you do. If you do not require a meeting due to having an SSG late in Term 2 that is completely fine - we look forward to catching up with you at a later date.

Don't forget to check out our events to come at the following link:

Many thanks,

Louise Kahle
