Life Education Van

Life Education Incursion - Wednesday 3rd May

Students enjoy the Life Education Incursion on Wednesday 2nd May. Our Foundation/1/2 class participated in Ready, Steady, Go where they identified how our body reacts in new situations, the benefits of physical activity, what our body needs to be healthy including nutrition, water, and sleep, and the different safety strategies in different environments.

Our Grade 3/4 students learnt about bCyber Wise, where they learnt how to recognise, react and report unwanted contact, bullying or predatory behaviours and how to keep personal information safe online. They also explored demonstrating responsible and respectful behaviour when using communication technology, skills for building positive relationships with friends and explored the role of bystanders.

Our Grade 5/6 students went On the Case. Their learning involved what's in a cigarette or vape, the effects of smoking and vaping, history, laws, myths and facts, and strategies to reduce harm.

We hope the students got a lot out of the session.
